Improving the long-term health of your soils is, in our opinion, the next frontier in precision agriculture and improving our collective productivity.
Soil health matters. A lot.
The fertility of your soils is your single biggest agribusiness asset. Land values give you an indication of your economic value, but soil health gives you an indication of your productive, and long term, health.
Soil health matters. A lot. Soil health will drive your production, your farm value AND your land value. Not only now, in this season, but into the long term future of your farm and your agribusiness.
As a contemporary farmer, you already apply a range of nutrients, based on the best professional advice available to you. Seasonal applications improve your soil health in the short to mid term.
Good and regular applications of your macro nutrients, like nitrogen and phosphorus will make a significant difference to your yield and ongoing fertility. Now, and into next season.
Fertile soils?
But, what do you really know about the soil variability across your farm?
What do you really know about the deep soil fertility of your farm?
What do you really know about the soil health beyond the root zone, below the top 10cm?
Are there deficiencies in your other key macro nutrients like potassium and sulphur?
And, what about the micro-nutrient needs of your soils?
What do you know about your soil fertility and trace elements? Do you have other deficiencies in your micro nutrients like zinc, manganese or copper?
And finally, do you really believe that your soils are uniform in their needs across the paddock or the farm, or your properties?
That sandy country. How is that performing compared to your heavier loams? And the shallow soils? How are they performing below the root zone.
Can you accurately make decisions about your soil health based only on production, rainfall and sowing records?
Informed soil decisions
Imagine if you were able to understand the variability in your soils and then make informed decisions.
Imagine if you were able to profile your soils and understand both their macro-nutrient and micro-nutrient profile?
Imagine how your decision making would improve when you had access to good information. Decisions about the application of macro and micro nutrients that will benefit your farm, over the longer term.
Want to know more about your soils?
Technology now allows us to test and understand your soil asset so that you can make better management decisions, both in this season and for many to come.
Swan Brothers has invested in new technology that allows us to test, and understand, your soils.
New technology and equipment allows us to assess soil fertility up to a depth of 90cm and across all macro and micro nutrients.
In partnership, with you the landholder, we will work with you to assess your soil health over the long term to bring about real change.
How do we understand soil health?
Swan Brothers has commissioned our first ‘Healthy Soils Test Unit’ and we come to you to undertake customised testing of your soil health.
Our Healthy Soils Unit includes:
A John Deere Diesel Gator All Terrain Vehicle (ATV)
A side mounted Wintex 3000 Soils Test Unit
6 x4 Trailer to transport the Soils Test Unit
Customised GPS grid mapping of your soil test plan
Experienced Field Operator to collect soil samples
Sampling at three depths up to 90cms
Lab analysis of your soil samples
Mapping of your results
Customised Soils Health Recommendations Report
Annual review and testing
Our Healthy Soils Team will step you through our Seven Step Soil Health Improvement Plan to measure and map your soil health. We will:
Meet with you to understand your property profile and identify your soil testing/mapping priorities
Develop a customised Soil Test Plan and prepare a GPS grid map for data collection.
Undertake on property soil health tests (according to your Soil Test Plan) with our Healthy Soils Test Unit and Field Operator
Send your soil tests to the Nutrient Advantage Laboratory for analysis
Prepare a Soil Health report and map the soil health results
Meet with you to interpret the results and recommend a plan of action
Undertake an annual review and follow up service to monitor improvements to your soil health over the longer term.
How do we test Soil Health?
Soil Health is comprised of a mix of Macro and Micro Nutrients
Our Soils Health Team will take, in paddock samples, to a depth of 30cm, 60cm and 90cm to assess your macro and micro nutrient profiles.
How do Macro and Micro Nutrients improve your soil?
The big three Macro Nutrients, Nitrogen (N), Phosophorous (P) and Potassium (K) are the primary energy sources needed by growing plants. In addition to the big three, plants also need four more macronutrients, Sulphur (S), Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) to stimulate healthy plant growth.
Macro Nutrients improve your soil health by providing the essential building blocks for growth.
Whereas, the nine Micro Nutrients of Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo), Boron (B), Iron (Fe) and Chlorine (Cl) are required in small quantities but remain important for health plant growth and soils.
Micro Nutrients improve your soil health by encourage healthy development, disease prevention and wellbeing of plants and the soil.
What about soil carbon?
Contemporary and regenerative agriculture is focused on the storage of soil carbon as a long term indicator of soil health.
Soil carbon is part of the organic matter in soil. It comes from the breakdown of plants, microorganisms and animal waste.
You can improve your soil carbon levels by applying nutrients, lime or gypsum and changing stocking rates or the duration and intensity of grazing. You can also improve your soil carbon through the reduced tillage, installation of new pastures, revegetation corridors and water management.
You can find out more about soil carbon projects HERE. [1]
Our Healthy Soils Test Unit can measure changes in soil carbon (over time) and provide you with more detail information about your soil nutrition and health.
Who does our Healthy Soils Team work with?
Our Healthy Soils Team works with contemporary agribusiness leaders who are committed to improving the long term soil health of their farm, pasture, and paddocks.
Our Healthy Soils Team works across the Coorong region and is familiar with local soils, potential soil deficiencies and possible productivity improvements.
Our Healthy Soils Team is also available for extension work across South Australia to understand your soil health.
The Benefits?
Collectively, we do not know enough about the soil profiles across our region. At Swan Brothers, we believe that understanding soil health is a long term investment in your biggest asset, your soils.
Long term, this investment will:
Improve your year to year productivity
Improve your soil fertility and soil health
Improve your ability to sequester carbon in your soils
Improve the sustainability of our Coorong region, Coorong soils and our Coorong community.
Where do you start?
Contact our Healthy Soils Team HERE and book an appointment to talk to Craig or Felicity to discuss your Seven Step Soil Health Improvement Plan.