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Introducing Tabula: Our New Era in Spreader Technology

Updated: Jul 19, 2024

Swan Brothers have recently introduced Tabula, a cutting-edge software poised to revolutionise our spreader operations.

The implementation of Tabula at Swan Brothers was a massive task, and it couldn’t have been achieved without the contribution of Luke Medlow. Luke played a crucial role in analysing, testing and trying multiple software’s to determine what would work best for the team.

Above: Tabula Software in one of the Spreaders.

What is Tabula? 

Tabula is an in-truck mapping tool supported by networked software set to revolutionise our spreaders! This GPS-guided system ensures that landowners and contractors have certainty in their operations, making job management a breeze. With the GPS we can now keep an eye on our spreaders' movements at all times, right from the comfort of the office.

Above: Tabula Spreader tracking.

How it helps us

Tabula empowers our team by ensuring drivers are in the correct paddock, with onboard intuitive mapping, and simplifying job management. Automatic recording of job details ensures accurate documentation, both for you and us.

What can it do for you? 

For you, Tabula means precise control over fertiliser application. This software automatically captures and stores detailed data in one centralised place, giving you strong insights into your spreading program.

Above: Tabula Software from the office.

Tabula Reporting

With Tabula, we can generate comprehensive reports on nutrients and products used. This includes creating detailed heat maps showing the distribution of fertiliser in kilograms per hectare (kg/ha).

Additionally, we can view the historical data of products and amounts applied to each paddock. For example, we can produce a detailed urea report in PDF format that includes:

  • Paddock Identification: Easily track which paddock received the treatment.

  • Product Details: Specify the product used.

  • Total Product Used: Record the total kilograms of the product applied.

  • Last Treatment Date: Note the date of the most recent application.

  • Application Rates: Calculate the average kilograms per hectare applied.

These detailed reports help us ensure accurate and efficient fertiliser application, driving both compliance and productivity.

Above: Tabula reporting function.

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